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I LOVE the invention of dishwashers, but did you know they need regular monthly maintenance? But how? What do you do to keep it running efficiently and cleaning the dishes well?

There are a few things you can do and it should only take about 20-30 minutes per month:

1. Check the spray arms for any debris or food clogging the system. Also look for any holes: that’s a sign

the arms need to be replaced.

2. Replace or repair racks if chipped, exposing the hard metal frame, this is to protect your dishes from

chipping or breaking.

3. Run the dishwasher on the shortest hot cycle with a cup of distilled white vinegar on the top rack. Close

the door and run the cycle. Leave the door open for 30 minutes to dry out the insides. Run the cycle a

second time without the vinegar to fully rinse the dishwasher.

4. Try to air the dishwasher after each cycle to keep the mold away.

5. Use a dishwasher thermometer to check the water temperature: only hot water will clean the dishes.

6. NEVER use dishwashing soap in the dishwasher. This will create a soapy, bubble filled mess.

Hope this helps. As always feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

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